Tales of the Old World

A good collection of short stories set in the world of Warhammer. The stories focus mainly humans with a little sprinkling of dwarves and elves. The human are stories are quite diverse though, showcasing the different human nations and different levels of society.

As with most anthologies, you'll find different quality levels as you read through some. I found this collection to be rather satisfactory, with quite a few being top-notch; I only found myself disliking a very small number. Special mention goes to those stories by Andy Jones, Robert Earl

The stories are grouped into seven themes, with each theme loosely encompassing five or six stories. I'll do a listing of the stories, so you can see the authors you can expect to read.

Honour & Heroism
* Freedom's Home or Glory's Grave by Graham McNeil - 3/5
* Ancestral Honour by Gav Thorpe - 5/5
* A Gentlemen's War by Neil Rutledge - 3/5
* The Doorway Between by Rjurik Davidson - 3/5
* Birth of a Legend by Gav Thorpe - 4/5

Adventure & Mystery
* Haute Cuisine by Robert Earl - 5/5
* Paradise Lost by Andy Jones - 5/5
* Night Too Long by James Wallis - 4/5
* Grunsonn's Marauders by Andy Jones - 5/5
* The Man Who Stabbed Luther van Groot by Sandy Mitchell - 4/5

Revenge & Betrayal
* The Faithful Servant by Gav Thorpe - 2/5
* The Sound Which Wakes You by Ben Chessel - 2/5
* The Sleep of the Dead by Darius Hinks - 3/5
* Path of Warriors by Neil McIntosh - 5/5
* Rat Trap by Robert Earl - 5/5

Deceit & Obsession
* Rotten Fruit by Nathan Long - 2/5
* Faith by Robert Earl - 3/5
* Portrait of my Undying Lady by Gordon Rennie - 4/5
* Seventh Boon by Mitchell Scanlon - 4/5
* Rattenkrieg by Robert Earl - 3/5

Tragedy & Darkness
* Mormacar's Lament by Chris Pramas - 4/5
* The Chaos Beneath by Mark Brendan - 4/5
* Wolf in the Fold by Ben Chessell - 3/5
* The Blessed Ones by Rani Kellock - 3/5
* Dead Man's Hand by Nick Kyme - 3/5

Death & Corruption
* Shyi-Zar by Dan Abnett - 5/5
* Tybalt's Quest by Gav Thorpe - 2/5
* A Choice of Hatreds by C L Werner - 2/5
* Who Mourns a Necromancer by Brian Craig - 2/5
* The Hanging Tree by Jonathan Green - 4/5

Madness & Ruin
* The Doom that Came to Wulfhafen by C L Werner - 4/5
* Hatred by Ben Chessell - 1/5
* Son and Heir by Ian Winterton - 3/5
* Ill Met in Mordheim by Robert Waters - 4/5
* Totentanz by Brian Craig - 4/5
* The Ultimate Ritual by Neil Jones and William King - 2/5

September 28, 2011Report this review