Tangled Bond


Average rating4


Just going to go on record right now before I continue reading: why is nearly every Jessica in the fictional world a bitch, antagonist, the bad guy, etc? The only exceptions I have found are in Meg Cabot's Mediator series and at least a neutral one in one of JM Sevilla's Marked books. Just...why?

Now that I've finished...I've got to say: the first book was a little better. That doesn't mean this book was bad or anything. It's just that the first book was more riveting. I ended up cheating on this book for another one. It's to be expected that the transition from Noelle and Drake constantly hating and fighting each other to “sort of dating” to “officially dating” would be...awkward, I guess. It was in no way the author's fault how Noelle's thoughts about Drake and their relationship were redundant; it's only logical.
Maybe my bigger issue is with the mystery this time around. There was so much corruption in this story than should be humanly possible. It was just...wow. I didn't even know a mayor could have so much power and money. I'm pretty sure the president makes much less than what the mayor of Holly Woods has to pay everyone off.
Either way, the outcome was more or less satisfying I would've preferred the mayor's downfall be recorded but I guess that would be unnecessary, sadly. I also wish the Jessica problem had been more resolved; it's almost guaranteed she'll show her skanky, b*tchy-*ss self in the future book(s). For whomever may have read the first book, are wondering what this book shall entail, and are reading this review to get that information, I definitely recommend you should continue the series.

April 17, 2016Report this review