The 11th Percent
2014 • 396 pages

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from (LoP or Lovers of Paranormal)

This is a ghost story and supernatural adventure. I enjoyed the battle between our heroes and the enemy.

I have not read many ghost stories, but I imagine this is somewhat different than is traditional. The story begins as many fiction books do. There is a main character whom we follow through the entire book. He is not happy at his job. Suddenly his life begins to change.

What I assume might be different from some ghost stories is the movement into a full war that slowly develops for our hero. From incident to incident, he begins to see he must join with his new allies and engage the enemy who is doing some bad things on a massive supernatural scale. He acquires powers and is central to the battle against evil. This is a hero's journey story with a team of heroes taking on a very impressively powerfully enemy.

Some of the things I liked were the dialog between characters, character change through the story, and the strong description of locations. A good job was done giving each character different personalities. Each character changed through the story. The hero is a different person by the end. Some of his allies are not whom they seem at first. Some become better, some not so much.

I did not enjoy the information dumps. There is a great deal of information about the supernatural rules in this story. Sometimes, it goes on for pages and pages. I suppose it is hard to avoid when the author is presenting such an unusual world with a different set of realities than we are used to. Perhaps in followup books that particular exposition will not be necessary.

The story is told in 3rd person limited in past tense. We follow the one character's POV the entire story. He grows through the book but is very naive at the beginning of the story.

This story should be fun for people who would be interested in a battle on the supernatural plane. Our hero starts out weak and ignorant and becomes a powerful fighter physically and psychically. I would think the story would be appropriate for children as young as 8 years old. There is no sex, and while people and spirits are destroyed, supposedly there is “no such thing as death.”

I enjoyed this read. I would try another offering from this author. Give it a try, you might like it. Thank you

May 28, 2015Report this review