The Amazing Spider-Man: Crime and Punisher


Average rating3.3


Coming in to give this a five since it's criminally underrated on here.

I'm really surprised by all the reviews too since I feel like my opinion is backwards. The first issue here, #574, is a really sappy war story about Flash Thompson. Not my thing for numerous reasons.

Flashbacks (#575-576) by Joe Kelly and Chris Bachalo was a really great Hammerhead story. Aside from some distasteful jokes I thought the writing was very strong, especially for Spidey. Bachalo's art is gorgeous as always and the almost Black and White coloring really makes these issues standout.

Finally we have Old Huntin' Buddies (#577) by Zeb Wells and Paolo Rivera. Punisher stories told in the greater Marvel universe can feel censored and OOC but that was absolutely not the case here. Telling this kind of story in a more family oriented comic forced the art to represent violence in some really clever ways, while still giving us classic Punisher killings.
Speaking of the art, Rivera brings some of the best art thus far for the Brand New Day initiative. Evoking a real 1960's feel elevates this in such a great way. It makes sense given he had just done a Origin Retelling project for Marvel titled Mythos.In short, this is by far the strongest volume to come out since J.M's exit.