The Amorous Attorney
2016 • 286 pages


Average rating4


This is the second in the Nick Williams Mystery series, and in reality it's a part 2 or continuation of the story started in [b:The Unexpected Heiress 34709065 The Unexpected Heiress (A Nick Williams Mystery, #1) Frank W. Butterfield 50849071]. If you haven't read that maybe you should, though the author does a fairly good job of bringing readers up to date. Nick, Carter, and their friends or associates are dealing with the fallout from the events of book 1 and, Nick is still on the job sorting out the whereabouts of a closeted Hollywood (were there any other kind?) movie star. One he knows is schacked up with his former boyfriend, friend, and attorney. Carter & Nick fly to Ensenada on a work/rescue mission but encounter a bit more than they bargained for.I'm enjoying where this series is going, the tone, and distinctly male perspective. It is true that Nick and company seem to live in a slightly fantastical world, money insulates a lot of harsh reality, but, so far, these guys are living pretty much on their own terms. Yes, they've lost family and jobs, but so far no one's been arrested (though the threat looms) or beaten-up (mostly because their scrappy or 6'4”, and taller, muscle men). Also the way Nick handles money ... sigh I wish to meet him. But the situations are not improbable and if we can't allow folks a spot of happiness in fiction, where can we. I also like how the historical, geographical, and societal aspects are well researched but not info dumped. Once again the mystery isn't so mysterious, and I don't think it's meant to be the point anyway. The book is more of a continued exploration of Nick & Carter's relationship, how it's still evolving and growing. I like that despite all the hyperbole in reference to Nick's wealth, Carter being “the most handsome” man in the world, and they being the most in love couple ever, that they still have eyes to appreciate other men's assets. cough It made me like them and believe their story. I hate when male gay relationships are made to conform to heteronormative strictures. I'll definitely continue, particularly since, so far, they seem to be continuations of a larger portrait. ***Once again, as a PSA, there's no on page sex.***

March 28, 2019Report this review