The Book of Echoes

The Book of Echoes



Average rating4


I have to admit that, if not for this book coming up on the Pigeonhole app, I probably wouldn't have picked it up. But I'm so glad it was a PH book which I decided to sign up for because it was excellent.

The book was tough/sad/heartbreaking to read at times, but I loved reading Michael and Ngozi's journey and how they overcame so many obstacles to get to where they did by the end of the book.

Despite the mistakes they made along the way, Michael and Ngozi were really likeable characters and you really found yourself rooting for them.

The book was well written for the most part apart from the abrupt switch between narrators which made things a little confusing at times.

Thank you to Pigeonhole and Rosanna for the chance to read this book.

November 21, 2020Report this review