The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation

2012 • 192 pages


Average rating5


Review PENDINGAfter just spending time with reading and reviewing [b:The Action Bible New Testament: God's Redemptive Story 11827631 The Action Bible New Testament God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello 16782291] and [b:The Action Bible Devotional: 52 Weeks of God-Inspired Adventure 13231255 The Action Bible Devotional 52 Weeks of God-Inspired Adventure Jeremy V. Jones 21554879] I thought this would be a great time to pick up [b:The Book of Revelation 16132284 The Book of Revelation Every I Publishing Incorporate 21958377]. While these are both graphic novels, The Action Bible and it's derivatives are along the lines of a comic book, but The Book of Revelation is not a comic book. This book is a graphic novel with emphasis on the idea of graphic and is not meant for a young audience. I had my Enginerd read through this one and he was fascinated and speechless about many of the pages and said the images could be nightmare inspiring. As it rightly says at the beginning of the book in reference to the book of Revelation in scripture, “the text is vibrant, pulsing word-image, streaked often with violent colorations, bathed t other times in deeply peaceful hues. Here we truly have text as image.” and that is so true. The pages are a base backing of black and the images come to life with light off the pages. The text is white and the illustrations range from white, yellow, orange and red with sepia hues for the main part and though there is a section here and there full of the range of colors with vivid and gorgeous blues, purples and greens as well. While I am not normally found within the pages of a graphic novel, I am intrigued and want to spread the word when there is something like this that would be a fabulous tool to dive into scripture for just the right person. Much as to when I was reading [b:Love's Sacred Song 11547849 Love's Sacred Song Mesu Andrews 16371968] and found myself mesmerized and wondered if the scripture really said “that” and I was left with a thirst to go and read more on my own again, that same feeling fills me as I turn the pages and read the text and see the images as the words take to light and life with the story. It's graphic, it's horrid and it's beautiful and redemptive. While one could read through this all in one sitting, I would recommend breaking it up to really enjoy it and experience it. Yet I reiterate again, this is not for a young audience, but for a mature one.