Average rating4.5
Simply unbeatable, an all-time favorite. A collection of chilling first-person horror narratives from Soren Narnia's Knifepoint Horror podcast. I have read (and listened) to many of these repeatedly over the years and they never get old. ("I am the thing from your doorstep" — chills me to the bone every single time.) Standouts for me include "sisters," "rebirth," "legend," and "staircase," but all of these stories are worth spending time with. Best read solo or with friends by candlelight, but never alone in the dark of night.
Also note this collection spans 2010–2022; the podcast itself is still ongoing, updating with new stories about once a month. You can check it out here: https://knifepointhorror.libsyn.com/
Originally posted at knifepointhorror.libsyn.com.
Simply unbeatable, an all-time favorite. A collection of chilling first-person horror narratives from Soren Narnia's Knifepoint Horror podcast. I have read (and listened) to many of these repeatedly over the years and they never get old. ("I am the thing from your doorstep" — chills me to the bone every single time.) Standouts for me include "sisters," "rebirth," "legend," and "staircase," but all of these stories are worth spending time with. Best read solo or with friends by candlelight, but never alone in the dark of night.
Also note this collection spans 2010–2022; the podcast itself is still ongoing, updating with new stories about once a month. You can check it out here: https://knifepointhorror.libsyn.com/
Originally posted at knifepointhorror.libsyn.com.