The Creeps
2013 • 336 pages

This is the third outing for Samuel Johnson, a young boy with a faithful little dog named Boswell. In his first adventure, recounted in The Gates, the Large Hadron Collider opened a portal to Hell and lots of weird bad things happened and Samuel averted a catastrophe. Now he's got two ineffectual demons living at his house, Nurd and Wormwood. And the craziness returns. Also returning for the craziness is an ex-ice cream truck vendor who represents four larcenous dwarves named Jolly, Dozy, Angry, and Mumbles. The story isn't as coherent as The Gates, and Samuel often takes a backseat to the dwarves. But that's mostly okay as the dwarves are hilarious. I can't tell you how often I was chuckling at the absurd goings-on and bizarre dialog. But it was fun. If you're at all interested, you have to check out The Gates. As in the previous two books, this one is chock full of funny footnotes as well.

February 10, 2015Report this review