Average rating4
Executive Summary: While there are some parts I liked, I didn't enjoy this one as much as the other books I've read by Mr. Stephenson.Audio book: This book was one that was recommended to me by a few people when I was looking for a new audiobook to listen to. At first I was wondering why, but it eventually became apparent. Jennifer Wiltsie does a few voices and accents. Her voice for Nell is especially good. This is definitely one that works well in audio.Full ReviewI have really enjoyed both of the books by Mr. Stephenson I've read. [b:Snow Crash 830 Snow Crash Neal Stephenson https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1385214698s/830.jpg 493634] is on my favorites list. [b:Cryptonomicon 816 Cryptonomicon (Cryptonomicon, #1) Neal Stephenson https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327931476s/816.jpg 1166797] while a bit slow in places was very enjoyable.This book took me a bit to warm up to, and unlike the other two books, I didn't enjoy the tangents and side stories nearly as much.The concept of the Young Lady's Illustrated Primer was really cool. Most of the stuff that directly involved it I really enjoyed. I liked the nested stories. As someone who knows the magic of a good book, the idea of a smart book that not only adapts to the reader, but teaches them is a fantastic idea.Unfortunately I found most of the rest of the surrounding story and subplots far less interesting and sometimes downright confusing. The other disappointing thing for me was the general lack of humor that I greatly enjoyed in his other books. I was a bit surprised to find everything so serious all the time.To me this is a book that falls short of its potential. It seems like it was split down the middle among my friends who either gave it 5 stars or 3 stars. I'm sad to say I'm joining in on the 3 stars side, but that doesn't mean you won't find this a 5 star book.