The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Girl Geeks

The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy

A Handbook for Girl Geeks

2015 • 208 pages


Average rating3.3


I adore Sam Maggs' writing and full disclosure, worked with her as a consultant on a different book. She is a caring and inclusive feminist. This book was fun and lovely. For newcomers to fandom, there's a lot of useful entryways to the world of fan culture and how to connect with it. I think if you are a long timer to fandom, there won't be too much new here, but if there is even one area of fandom life that you are wanting to break into, skipping to that bit will teach you things you didn't know. It also includes an interesting 101 look at the way fangirl culture interacts with feminism and inclusivity that I loved. I would have liked some nuance in places during this section, but it's an effective primer.
Overall, really sweet and interesting book, good for entry level discussions.

January 5, 2021Report this review