Average rating4.2
Denise Williams is quickly becoming one of my favorite romance authors. Her debut novel “How to Fail at Flirting” was one of my favorite reads last year and when I got the opportunity to read an advance copy of her new novel, I jumped for joy!
The Fastest Way to Fall was full of so many positive messages, a cute romance and a sense of being. I loved how the main character was already pretty happy with herself and when she got this opportunity to write about testing out a fitness app, she didn't make it about losing weight or needing to be skinny to feel better about herself. I really feel like so many readers will feel more confident about themselves and feel like they too can workout to just feel better physically than to just lose weight and appease to today's standards. Especially when a cute guy that has no judgy motives will cheer them on!
If you're looking for a cute romance that will make you feel butterflies, maybe tear up a bit and possibly get your in the mood for a run then you should read this book! But honestly, it was so body positive it made me super happy.
I can't wait for Denise Williams next novel because you know I will be picking it up!
Britta is witty and knows how to write a killer piece to bring in an audience. She never downplayed her appearance or never let the reader know she wasn't plus sized. I enjoyed being inside of her head and reading about how she is confident in herself even though she had a few bumps in the road. (Don't we all?) Her journey with fitness really resinated with me because I went through a similar transformation with myself and fitness.The way Wes talks, really made me love him instantly. How he would ask how Britta was doing and how her workouts made her feel. Never judged her eating habits and just encouraged her to do small little improvements. It is nice to read about since so many people out there have to deal with people telling you to put the burger down or go for a run every once in a while. I hope his character made people feel safe and that there could be someone out there for them like that. Her friendship with Wes was very obvious in the beginning that it would become something more. Their back and forth cute little remarks and jokes felt natural. I enjoyed reading about it as it grew into something more and how he was such a good influence on her. The ending made me tear up a little and I really wanted to keep reading about their cute little life together.