This book took me about three hours to read. After waiting more than five years to read this book I was really excited about it, but after reading it it felt kinda anticlimatic. I read the first book several years ago and absolutely loved it. I read the second one shortly after and couldn't wait for the third book. I remember when I found out a third book then to be called The Boy Who Lived Forever that focused on Max and his redemption journey as he discovered the important things in life I was really happy, but The Girl Who Fell From The Sky is not the book that was promised. This book is all about what would happen if due to a mysterious creature Piper lost her abilities. This book never mentioned anything about what happened to Bella after she regained her powers at the end of book two. It never mentioned what happened with Conrad's parents after his father regained his memories. It didn't even mention J. This book created more plot issues and cliffhangers than it solved. Despite my views of it, I am glad I read the book. While I was unsatisfied with the ending and will probably never read it again I am happy I was able to read the book after waiting so long for it.