I know this is a romance novel but I felt the portrayal of alcoholism was a little simplistic. You don't just become an alcoholic because of one event in your life, and you don't recover in a few short weeks. Yes, Monroe admitted he would always struggle but it seemed like the hard part was very brief and there were no relapses or back steps.
Erik was also a problematic character and his “addiction” to Monroe was never really resolved. At one point Saul says that Monroe needs more of a support system in his life than Erik, and that Erik needs to find something to fulfill him other than work and Monroe, but neither of those things appear to happen.
And then there's Saul, the magic therapist who is always wise and patient, yet gives the green light for Erik and Monroe to start a sexual relationship because love is more important than sticking to the recovery program he planned. It's fairly standard advice that alcoholics should hold off on starting new relationships for a while and focus on their own shit, but since Erik has a magic peen I guess that's okay.
Still giving it 3 stars because if you ignore all of that and just focus on an unrealistic love story between two rich, pretty boys, it is vintage N.R. Walker, with lots of hearts and flowers.