Average rating3.9
I enjoyed this book less than the last one but that's mainly because we were in enemy territory for literally the entire story and that's just generally not an enjoyable time lmao. Lia made some more stupid decisions in this one and missed some obvious (at least to me) pieces of information that ~shocked~ her when they crept up on her, but this is YA so that's to be expected. Rafe continues to be the prince of my heart and the only viable corner in this love triangle so jot that down.
This book made me hate Kaden EXPONENTIALLY more. An argument could be made that the way he treats her is necessary for their cover but uh my absolute limit of any neutral - JUST NEUTRAL - feelings for him ended when he basically threatened to rape her in front of the Komizar for their ~cover~ and then later on when Lia confronts him he says “You know I'd never force myself on you.” and she says “Then why did you say it?” and his response was “I was angry. I was hurt.” ONLY TO THEN SAY IN HIS MIND, A PARAGRAPH LATER, THAT HE'S SOOOO IN LOVE WITH HER. Now if it was ME, PERSONALLY if I was in love with a girl I would simply...not threaten to rape her!! Even if it was to strengthen their cover! He has a strong relationship with the Komizar so that was in no way necessary to help their cause! We don't know where he ended up at the end of this book and honestly I kinda hope he died!
Other than all that I am sat and ready for the 3rd installment and I genuinely have no idea how this story is gunna end!