The Highest Law in the Land: How the Unchecked Power of Sheriffs Threatens Democracy

The Highest Law in the Land

How the Unchecked Power of Sheriffs Threatens Democracy

2024 • 352 pages


Average rating1

Jeff SextonSupporter

An Imagined History. Pishko starts off this text openly admitting that, as the Southport NC Police Dept cop who murdered Keith Vidal in North Carolina a decade ago this year said less than two minutes after encountering Vidal - and 14 seconds after Vidal had already been Tasered and was being held on the group by two other cops when the kill shot was fired -, she "doesn't have time" (paraphrase from her, exact words of the murderous cop) to do any real investigative journalism that might show any degree of nuance or any alternative explanations for anything she writes about in this book. She openly admits in the prologue that she is going to label anything and anyone who is not a leftist progressive as "far right" because "The intent of this book is not to desegregate all of the complexities of the far-right movements - I do not think I could if I tried - which is why I have opted for the simplest terminology. Most important to me is the acknowledgement that these sheriffs and their supporters are plainly opposed to the left and progressives." (An exact quote from page 18 or so, at least of the ARC text I read.)

Thus, Pishko proceeds to concoct her imagined history, complete with narrative-defining boogeymen, the "Constitutional Sheriff's And Peace Officer's Association" or CSPOA, as it is so frequently noted on seemingly every other page throughout the narrative. Pishko "cites" well-debunked "facts" such as Donald Trump calling the Nazis at the Charlottesville, VA "Unite The Right" rally "very fine people" (actual fact: He openly decried the violence of this group specifically, noting that *other* people *not associated with them* were the "very fine people" that happened to be at the rally as well), or the repeated-three-times-throughout-the-narrative-that-I-caught bald-faced LIE that "the leading cause of death of children is gun violence". Even when looking at the CDC data *that Pishko herself cites*, the only way to get to this is to include people that are not legally children - indeed, some of the 18 and 19yos included in these numbers are actively serving the US military in war zones! Pishko also claims that "AR-15 SBRs are the weapon of choice of mass shooters" despite the number of homicides via rifle - any form of rifle, not just so-called "assault weapons" - proving that to be untrue for many years now. She claims that she observed a man walking around at one rally with an "automatic" rifle. While this is *possible*, it is also *extremely* rare - and without inspecting the gun in question (which Pishko does not detail that she did, if she did it at all), there is no way of knowing from a distance that the rifle at hand was fully automatic.

No, as with one of her criticisms of one of her primary targets of scorn throughout this text - Pinal County AZ Sheriff Mark Lamb - the best that can be said of this text is that while it is well documented, clocking in at 33% or so documentation, it is "light on substance and heavy on [extreme leftist] vibes".

Read this book - if your politics are to the left of Bernie Sanders. You'll find a new boogeyman to scare yourself with in your fantasy world.

For anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders and living in the *real* world, don't bother with this drivel. There are *far* superior books about the problems with modern police and how we got to this point, such as Radley Balko's Rise Of The Warrior Cop.

Not recommended, unless you're an extreme leftist or extreme masochist.

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August 26, 2024Report this review