The immortal highlander
2004 • 267 pages


Average rating3


  Once again, another book out of this series that I just couldn't like. This time however I can at least put into words why certain books in this series are two stars for me: 

  • The storyline is basically the same as the other ones. which wouldn't really be a problem if the characters could carry it but... 

  • The female protagonists: all feel the same, sort of bland and virginal, and the women have this feeling of catty fake feminist to them that makes them unlikeable.

  • The male protagonists: over-possessive (as are the women), and are over-the-top attractive (it's okay if your male protag doesn't have the most gorgeous face, the biggest dick, and have women falling at his feet).

Gabby kept talking about her ‘inner fourteen year old' whenever she was feeling attracted to Adam, it's weird to me that this woman has/needs a ‘inner' fourteen year old to tell her it's okay to be horny. Kinda weird. She is extremely immature about her attraction to him as well, acting like that fourteen year old she kept mentioning with how she handles her jealousy of other women because they dare look at Adam with lust.

Adam seems very immature, especially for someone that is over a thousand years old, he is jealous like an abuser, doesn't even like other men in the room with her.
He assaults her when they first meet and no one cares. Then he steals a pair of her underwear, of which he keeps in his pocket, and this is supposed to be ‘okay' because she kept one of his shirts. Then he later nearly kidnaps her to force her to take the life elixir and hold her hostage, until the elixir removes her soul so she'll no longer care about having a soul in the first place, but this is ‘okay' because he didn't do it and he loves her. 

There was a few other things that rubbed me wrong throughout this story but I will say it's very readable, and fast pace.

August 5, 2021Report this review