The Kingdoms of Savannah

The Kingdoms of Savannah

2022 • 304 pages


Average rating5


I have never been to Savannah, Georgia. I've always pictured it as a hauntingly beautiful place though. THICK with history and this book simply cemented all that. Right from the start the author let's it be known that while the story is fiction, there are certain events in this book that most certainly are not. George Dawes Green shows us a side of Savannah the rest of us would probably never see as outsiders. He gives us the good, the bad and the ugly and I was here for all of it. And in the center of all of that we have Morgana Musgrove and her grown children. All who are aware of said parts of Savannah society. A local man has been murdered and Morgana gets hired by the prime suspect to do some digging. But a lot more than a murder will be uncovered by the end of it all.

July 12, 2022Report this review