Average rating3.8
This book was so good that I could not put it down! I started it Sunday afternoon and didn't finish it until the wee hours of the morning on Monday. Thankfully, I was off work on Monday and I was able to sleep late. Even so, I probably would've stayed up just so I could finish this book because I loved it and was totally enthralled in it.
In this book, the protagonist (Alison) and her long-time best friend (Liz) end up at the same college as they had always hoped. Liz is not really a good friend, though. Alison starts making more friends and even gets her first boyfriend (Will) soon after starting college and they all start hanging out together. Will is tall, kind, and handsome and they get on very well. However, a serial killer is stalking girls at their college and it appears that Will is keeping some secrets. He is eventually arrested for the string of murders and we find out later that Allison kept a secret herself. Sadly, her best friend Liz had a secret, too. Actions by each of them end up causing a downward spiral of entanglement from which all 3 of them get caught up. One or more of them lose their life (well, life as they know it) and it is due to the deceit! Soon after Liz becomes a victim and is found dead floating in the canal, Will is arrested for all of the murders and is sentenced to live out the remainder of his life in a high security psychiatric facility for criminals, but there is word that he may soon be transferred to a regular prison.
We find that Allison left her home country of Ireland to live in the Netherlands just to get away from everything that happened that first year in college. However, 10 years later, new murders have started up again and Will says he has information that might help them solve who is doing this but he will only tell Alison. After much trepidation, Alison agrees to meet with Will at the facility.
The story travels back-and-forth in time following Alison, Will and the current day murderer.
This book was a very thrilling and it keeps you guessing until the end. At the very end there is a twist that made me yell at my Kindle! I could've done without learning that bit! I would definitely recommend this book if you enjoy thrillers like this.
I found the Kindle version on Amazon for a good price. I was looking for books with an Audible Escape accompaniment. It's not Whispersync-enabled, but the audible version is available on Audible Escape if you have it, but only for a couple more weeks. Audible Escape is ending on November 1, 2020, and they're not allowing new subscribers to Audible Escape anymore.
I'm not sure if this will be free on Audible Plus. I'm trying to get in as many books as I can until Nov. 1st. That is why I put a lot of my other TBR books on back burner for now. Audible Plus will have limited books and from what I have seen the amount of selections isn't that promising.