The Lucifer Chord

The Lucifer Chord

2018 • 240 pages


Average rating3

... The Lucifer Chord is a novel that seems interesting, but turns out to be quite the letdown. Though the concept upon which the novel is founded will likely draw readers in, the rest of it just doesn???t function as it ought. The protagonist reads like a cardboard cutout of a person; the romantic subplot reads like something written by that ???white cishet man in your creative writing class??? type of person one sees so many memes made about; and while there???s a plot arc, the rest of the story itself just goes all over the place and makes one wonder if an editor looked this manuscript over before sending it to print. I also wonder if there is any other author who???s written a story around a similar concept as this one, and I find myself wishing that is the case, as well as hoping they???ve done much better than this ??? though I suppose, given how this novel has turned out, doing better won???t be very difficult, given how low this novel set the bar. 

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