Cover 4

The Musician

The Musician

190 pages


Average rating4


I loved the experience of reading this book because it feels so different from books set in and written by and written for people in the United States. The way the people were characterized and the way they interacted felt different. For me that was enjoyable.
The dialogue felt a little too simplistic at times, but it has been translated. So that feels like a nit picky issue. The other parts of the prose are very well done and I felt like the dialogue got better as the book went along.
This book is hard to categorize as a specific genre. There is a bit of magic realism that is presented as an alternative way to see reality. There is some romance and some thriller parts as well. My recommendation is for you to read it if you want to fell like you are in a very different place with very different people showing you their lives.

December 18, 2022Report this review