Average rating4.1
4.5 stars for the book, 5 stars for the series. A wonderful but sometimes messy series. I love Maggie Stiefvater's writing but sometimes the whole is less than the sum of its parts, i.e. her plot can't quite keep up with her characters and dialogue. She seems to have realized at some point that Blue and Gansey weren't half as interesting as Adam and Ronan (no argument there) but that means the climactic scene of Blue kissing her true love who is fated to die is a bit of a let down, while the Adam/Ronan scenes just about self-combust.
There are a fair number of loose ends left and characters whose fates are unknown, so I wouldn't mind a return visit to Henrietta and the rest of this crazy, magical world. Thank you Ms. Stiefvater for so many hours of fully engaged reading; this series was truly a gift.