The Shakespeare Treasury: A Collection of Fascinating Insights into the Plays, the Performances and the Man Behind Them

The Shakespeare Treasury

A Collection of Fascinating Insights into the Plays, the Performances and the Man Behind Them


Average rating3


3 1/2 The Treasury made me think of the [b:The Arden Shakespeare Miscellany 11944463 The Arden Shakespeare Miscellany Jane Armstrong 16905911] in how it provided tidbits about Shakespeare's life, his plays, and important people that are tied to his legacy (for e.g., famous Shakespearean actors and directors). Overall, it was a very pleasant read that would be most suited to readers who know little about the playwright and who would like to learn more about the history behind the plays. Academics might find this a bit too reductive and not enough in-depth, but it remains nonetheless a good overview of basic information about the Bard.

November 3, 2021Report this review