The Sparrow
1996 • 515 pages


Average rating4


Insane how something written so masterfully, so beautifully, with such care and thought could leave me with so so so much psychic damage.

I'm in pain and it was horrifying and made me so sick I near cried. But like 5 stars I guess, fuck. The characters are fantastic and charming and all so lovable, which is exactly why they were able to devastate me so.

I'd write the trigger warnings but you can easily look those up. If I were given the trigger warnings upfront I don't know if I would have proceeded. (That's a lie, I totally would have on the merit of the writing and characters alone.)

To be clear, I'm agnostic, I believe in God but not religion. I don't think a single religion on Earth is right about God, and that's where I stood and still stand on the matter.

August 21, 2024Report this review