The Ter'roc: Evolution

The Ter'roc: Evolution

2021 • 290 pages

The Ter'roc: Evolution is the first in a three part series which contains references to ancient structures such as the pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge and more, but reveals the larger purpose behind these structures steeped in mystery-purposes wondered about but never before revealed. When a teenage tom-boy named Shawn ventures into the storm drain near the railroad tracks in Swampscott, Massachusetts, she stumbles upon more than a few blue glass pieces she is foraging. She comes face to face with Sam'loc of the alien ter'roc species, the initial link to discovering ancient hidden truths and a key revelation concerning humanity's past. This initial face-to-face with Sam'loc draws Shawn unexpectedly into a world never before encountered-knowingly at least-by others. In the process, she is called upon to challenge more than she ever thought possible and rises to the occasion in surprising ways. The ter'roc and ishkan are ancient alien species which seeded the Earth with humans tens of thousands of years ago. They have remained hidden, however, watching over and guiding us unobtrusively when needed. Now are they making themselves known to help defend Earth against a threat too powerful to fight alone. It is certain to mean the end life as we know it-but will it be the end of life?