Cover 1

The Toy Taker

2014 • 448 pages


Average rating3.5


Enjoyed that, although with other stuff going on it took a while to finish! One of the most interesting things about this series is the unique ‘talent' of DI Sean Corrigan. I read a lot of crime thrillers and I've never come across a story with Sean's unique ‘talent' of being able to think like the criminals he's chasing, which makes this series very interesting!

Like The Keeper before this, this was very good! Good writing which made it possible to literally share DI Corrigan's frustrations at the case's lack of progress at times! On another note, I really, really can't stand Assistant Commissioner Addis. Like dude, THEY WERE TRYING THEIR BEST. GIVE THEM A BREAK!!! His attitude sucked, but I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty more of him in future books!

February 4, 2020Report this review