Average rating3.9
I liked this book. Liked not loved. There was a lot going on with this book. I read Taylor Jenkin Reid's ‘Daisy Jones & the Six' last year and absolutely loved it. I knew this book was not going to be as good (saw some lackluster reviews on here before I started it), but it had a lot of the same themes. High profile band, sex, drugs, abuse, anxiety, betrayal, pride, you know, the usual. But I am still wracking my brain for why the hell this book had to be over 400 pages when the ending literally didn't start until page 400. Yup, the total count was 419 and the end started at 400. It was really trash. It was like all of this background was given just for you to not finish the story. Like when someone tells you this really elaborate joke with all this preamble and then the punchline isn't even a punchline its just a statement so then you wonder why you wasted minutes of you life getting caught up in the details and listening to some schmuck who doesn't know what they are talking about. Yeah, that was this book.
Overall I felt that the things that were supposed to be big scandalous plot points were just not intense enough, and the things that were subtle points had too much focus on them in the scheme of things. I really think if you are going to write a book that opens up with someone's funeral, you better spend the rest of the book hitting that “Unraveling” home. Maybe I have just built up a tolerance to violence, mistreatment and abuse though my usual psychological thriller/murder mystery books, but I don't know, this kind of seemed a little lackluster. What I think should have happened was everything that did, but shortened to like 300 pages, shit should hit the fan from 300-350, then the ending could be 20 for a total of 370 pages (50 less than actual).