The Vision, Vol. 2
The Vision, Vol. 2
Average rating5
Short Review: This series is good, but tragic. I didn't know going in that the whole point was tragedy. If I had known Vision's story going in I might have guessed that. I just picked it up because it was so well reviewed. This second volume is not quite as good as the first, but it is still good. But now I am a bit hesitant to pick up more. I don't really want to watch Vision's decent into evil and/or madness. But that is the direction that things appear to be headed.
The book opens with summary of Vision and Scarlet Witch's failed relationship. That failure was the impetus for Vision to try to start his perfect family. The first book show what Vision is willing to do to keep the family's appearance perfect. This second book continues to follow the thread of a downfall that was started in the first.
My slightly different, but not much longer review is on my blog at