Average rating4.5
I am blown away. This is a masterpiece of work. Joe is currently dining with the great fantasy writers, alongside GRRM, Robin Hobb, Brandon Sanderson, amongst others who should be named but I'm far too lazy.
This is one of the worlds that you could read for the rest of your life and never tire.
The plot was fantastic, twist and turns throughout, keeping you on your toes.
Characters, well this is the author's speciality. He could make you hate someone for half the book, to then turn him/her into one of your favourites. The growth these characters go through is brilliant.
World building is top tier. You feel as though you are in this world with the characters, living, breathing the world of Adua and the like.
It doesn't get anymore epic than this. No criticisms, none at all. 5/5, my best read of 2021.