The Woman with the Blue Star

The Woman with the Blue Star

2021 • 352 pages


Average rating3


The premise had promise, but I couldn't consider the writing to be compelling. I didn't enjoy a single second of this book. I didn't like that the characters were supposed to be 19 but talked as if they were 13. The switch at the end felt cheap and was executed poorly. None of the scenes where I, as the reader, should have felt sad or emotional were written in a way to facilitate feeling anything at all. Zero tears were shed and there were how many deaths? I'm a huge crybaby. Gagged plenty of times, but I couldn't care less that all the characters are dropping like flies. The romance was completely unnecessary as it was shallow and none of it was fleshed out. I think this author would benefit from aging down her characters because her sense of history and her scenery writing is great. She has said that her 5th grade dream is to be the next Judy Blume so writing from the perspective of children would make more sense. I read this for a book club and I swear if I'm the only one that hated it, I'm quitting it.
Update: I was the only one

May 25, 2022Report this review