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Nancy Pearl and Jeff Schwager interview a wide variety of America's best writers about the books that made them who they are.
I love to get suggestions about good books, and who better to suggest books than writers of good books?
This was a library copy, but I liked it so much that I decided to get my own copy of it.
From the interview with Amor Towles, in which he spoke about reading a book called Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? by Harold Bloom:
“Bloom's book had a big effect on me. I closed it thinking: I'm turning forty. If I live to eighty and read one book a month carefully—where I underline and reflect upon what I've read and write down my thoughts—that means I've got just 480 books left! Yet I had just spent a year reading a series of contemporary novels that didn't make a mark on me. So I decided that I had to do something different. I decided to focus on reading books that were so accomplished, so rich, you would benefit from reading them at the age of twenty and forty and sixty and eighty.”