Cover 2

Thrown Off the Ice

Thrown Off the Ice



Average rating4


A couple of weeks ago I started seeing this book popping up in my feed, all raving stars. Quite frankly I was already a goner for the cover, it has a certain pop art appeal that's unusual in romance. My mistake was starting it late on Friday night. I got a chapter in and knew I was in the hands of an author with heft and an original voice. I also felt an immediate kinship with Mike. What I forgot was that weekends are generally filled with RL activities. I've never hated a weekend so much. Finally this afternoon was all mine and was able to dive in and finish. I'm so glad I read this and yet I wish it would've gone on forever. My bones are still aching from the raw beauty of this story.The particulars are irrelevant, but if you must know it's about 6'4” Mike Brouwer, professional NHL enforcer, and Liam Fitzgerald, who at 5'8”, is one the smallest players in the league. They meet when Mike is 30, on the tail end of his career, and Liam is an 18 y.o. rookie with lots of promise. What follows is a LOVE story in the real sense of the word. One devoid of the usual romance window dressing, sometimes raw, never sugary, but always authentic. [a:Taylor Fitzpatrick 14742909 Taylor Fitzpatrick] refuses to follow genre conventions or follow the beats of generic romance. This is a story that will linger in my veins, and which has had my eyes brimming with tears, even as I write this. I can honestly recommend it to anyone. Good writing, realistic storytelling, and characters who burrow deep under your skin, it's an embarrassment of riches. Absolutely one of the best romances I've ever read. Full stop.

September 9, 2019Report this review