Tomorrow, Make Me Yours

Tomorrow, Make Me Yours

2022 • 210 pages


Average rating4


Rating: 3.5 leaves out of 5
Characters: 3/5
Cover: 3/5
Story: 3/5
Writing: 5/5
Genre: Yaoi/Romance
Type: Manga
Worth?: I guess?

First want to thank Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this in exchange for an honest review! Tokyopop always has a way of suspense. Will this manga be spicy or will be nonspicy? This was spicy, kinda. If vanilla ice cream was spicy this would be it. Nothing is really wrong with this manga. I enjoyed most of it. It was you basic two boys fall in love with each other kinda fast because this is all shoved in to one book.

If you like quick one shot spicy reads, this is for you. There is really nothing I can give that stands out with this. You have read this a million times before, I promise. Am I telling you not to read it? No, this is a good filler book. If you need something a read that you don't have to commit to between the readings you do want to read, this is the kind of book.

April 29, 2022Report this review