Cover 7

Tomorrow's Garden

2011 • 386 pages


Average rating3


Overall I am delighted to meet the imaginative mind of Amanda Cabot within her new Christian Historical Fiction books this one was not my favorite in the series. Yet that all relies on the fact that the main character of Harriett was so difficult to like, which shows that she was complex. There were just so many things about her that made me want to scream. With that said, otherwise I love the series and story behind it all and cannot wait to read the new series starting next year (2012) based in Wyoming. I think that will be fabulous and a different setting than I am used to.

Through out the story I could not guess what would come next, but my interest was peeked and the pages kept turning. I highly recommend this read as I am sure will recommend the entire series.

Thanks to Revell Books for providing a copy for review.

“Available April 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

Originally posted:

May 27, 2011Report this review