Towers of Midnight
2010 • 865 pages


Average rating4.5


Having the talented Brandon Sanderson on your team is a big plus, the second book on this awesome team up, and story is getting near the end, everything from the pacing, actions of every character, even the villains!!!!

It has been nearly two years since I read The Gathering Storm, I have missed the different personalities be they the heroes or the villains, as usual being the heroes they seek to unite themselves to have a better chance at Tarmon Gai'don, and being the avatars of evil, treachery is in the air, sometimes being evil means you are always alone, always looking over your shoulder, always sizing up your nearest competition!!!!

Rand still as strong as ever, but a change has come upon him, now he accepts everything that happens and does not seek to undo it, Perrin the lone wolf(ahhhh pun not intended)finally accepts the reality that he is one of the better commanders in this Final Battle, no more whining of “I am a not a lord, only a blacksmith” and of course who does not love the pain in the butt and always ducking his head after doing something audacious Matrim or Mat, it so refreshing to see them so experienced and acting like the heroes that they are and legends to be, normally I try to find a middle ground regarding this story and try to highlight or put a spotlight on the villains, unfortunately everything is backstab here, envy there, and so forth and on, there were twelve chosen now they are down to 4 plus Moridin, if these were my opponents, I would wait and let them kill each other saves me the trouble and the energy that I will need in taking down the Dark One!!!! We still have Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve, Gawyn, Galad and Bashere, Tuon and the Seanchan, the Black Ajah, the Asha'man so many figures, but so little story to tell!!!!

And so it comes the end of An Age, Tarmon Gai'don, and every one is waiting at the fields of Merrilor!!!!

November 16, 2017Report this review