2018 • 307 pages


Average rating4.1



Okay ... I inhaled this and though I meant to skim I didn't. I was caught up in the mystery, some of which I'd forgotten but primarily I was invested in the tug of emotions between H&S.

I also feel like I should apologize to Emery. I was seemingly on a high horse when I did my first read or I've become wiser. The emotional tumult Hazard has been assailed with since returning to his hometown is overwhelming to say the least and he's now living with the man he's lusted after & hated for fifteen years, can you imagine? When they find themselves stranded, in a forced proximity type of situation, and Somers is being more than flirty it's totally logical for Hazard to lose his cool.

Somers's internal battle ain't pretty either. I feel for him.

I can see more rereads in the future but I won't bore you with it. I'm a teensy bit obsessed with these two. ❤️❤️

**FIRST READ/LISTEN 10/28/19 –10/30/194.5“Somers didn't do anything but walk away with that goddamn smirk burning like a very long fuse on a very big bomb.”

Okay [a:Gregory Ashe|1179529|Gregory Ashe|], I see you and raise you comfy lounge pants, bunny slippers, oversized sleeping T, salt & vinegar chips, and Cheerwine soda. I'll wait you out.

[b:Pretty Pretty Boys|36623175|Pretty Pretty Boys (Hazard and Somerset, #1)|Gregory Ashe||58383961] covered from October 24th [date of Hazard's first day at work for the Wahredua P.D., after having been gone from his hometown for fifteen (15) years] to November 2nd. Book two, [b:Transposition|37569723|Transposition (Hazard and Somerset, #2)|Gregory Ashe||59181080], hurtles us all the way to November 21st, on the eve of Thanksgiving. Hazard and Somers have settled into being roommates and partners at work. On the surface everything is spiffy, mostly because they're men and avoid speaking about anything of substance. Not surprising. I know quite a few guys in RL like this. Super annoying, but true to life.

Almost at the end of the day they get a call which causes them to be sequestered in a mansion with a killer(s), and no escape due to a paralyzing storm. It's a sort of a ‘locked-room' mystery, with interesting twists and turns, some of which may be obvious to the avid mystery reader or not, but overall fairly well executed. However the purpose of this tale is to move along the Somers & Hazard uphill relationship, one weighed down by their individual and shared histories.

Can I say right now how much I love John-Henry Somerset, and that your enjoyment of this will hinge on your tolerance of grade A aholes, dicks, and general douches, by which of course I mean Emery Hazard? I understand where he's coming from, I do. As a matter of survival he's had to create a hard emotional shell to go along with his physical toughness, that who and what Somers was during their adolescence isn't something easily forgotten, sloughed off or set aside, but still ... let's just say that I wasn't entirely sorry for what happened in the basement. shrug

As a recap for those who may be tuning in now, these can't/shouldn't be read as standalones. They're a separate case per book, but there's an overarching mystery/case and Somers & Hazard's relationship running throughout.

I'm not going for 5 stars because I wanted to smack Hazard one too many times, and his attitudes sometimes belied his vaunted reputation as an excellent detective. In fact, sometimes, his pigheadedness ruined perfect investigative avenues.

I did the audio too and [a:Tristan James|14756687|Tristan James|] will make you happy.

October 30, 2019Report this review