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How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us



Average rating4


“Forget about facts, it's only the outrage you feel that matters”
- Donald Trump jr.

I recommend this book to people who don't like the Trumps. This boy is so clueless, and keeps blabbering!
I found out about so much things I didn't even know about, until he pointed my eyes to them. It's not what he says, it's what I found when I fact checked every damned thing he said.

You really have to do it, because most everything in this book is BS.

I really liked his stories about the Czechoslovakian grandfather, which I assume are not BS, even though one cannot quite trust a Trump's assessment of reality. Whether it was fiction or not, I really liked it.

NY Times said this book is “a farrago of tossed-off personal history and predictable political attacks” and so it is... one gets a whiplash because he can change subject in the middle of a sentence. He has really tried to collect everything he can about the things he talks about. Like “my dad is not a racist because Central Americans really are rapist, murderers and drug dealers”, “I am respectful to my elders and I am not trying to offend anyone, but everyone not our friend is a #$@&%! Cow farts! LOL.”, “how ever much the mean libtards hurt your feelings, it's nothing compared to the horrible treatment of Trumps, especially Ivanka! I can't even make myself tell about it, just take my word on it!” and “it's only words, unless it's the libtards saying it about us!”Also, he ends the book by saying: “We are Trumps, we don't play the victim card”ROTFLMAOThe whole book is “poor me, I've done NOTHING and those #$@&%! crazy people just keep attacking me!”

P.S. I was expecting a lot of good stuff in the reviews. A lot of Trumpettes sowing praise and so on.
Now I have read the reviews, and I am very disappointed. On the other hand, as Donald Trump jr. doesn't really show any evidence about the hatred of the Democratic party, but just says things like “Sleepy liberal losers, socialist crybabies, and hypocritical politicians and media” and “the left, who are just a bunch of oversensitive babies who find everything offensive”, why would I expect any rational positive reviews of this book?

June 17, 2020Report this review