2016 • 416 pages


Average rating3.2


I wish I had read this sooner. Upside is that I don't have to wait for the next book since it's up to book three. Even better is that I shared my second copy with my own Threadsister and we got to read this together (and we both loved it)

At first I really wasn't sure how I was feeling. I want to say for maybe the first quarter ( take this measurement with a grain of salt...I can read. I can't do math. LoL) it was slow but not slow. I was trying to gather information. The world, the people, the magic system ( which I love btw), But once it kicked into high gear for kept going and did not stop.

The characters are not without flaws (which is fine. I personally don't want to read a book where every character is perfect nor where everyone is a complete fool. I'm looking for flaws but also growth within the characters). Safiya is kind of reckless. She just does things without thinking anything through (being young and reckless is normal. IRL and in fantasy) and it isn't until she sees someone hurt or the mess her actions cause does she really begin to grasp that she is absolutely the cause of half of the messes she's in. Iseult is her best friend and the opposite of Safi. I felt that they balanced each other out. Something that did frustrate me was that neither of these girls really tapped into the potential of their witchery. They could absolutely fight though. I felt that Dennard was heading in the direction of growth through out the book so hopefully that gets expanded in the next books.

I loved the twists and turns. I was also really surprised by a couple of the side characters. I don't need a book for every one of them but I definitely want to see them more or get more backstory on them.

My FAVORITE thing though? All the women were kick ass.

April 29, 2020Report this review