Under Lock & Skeleton Key

Under Lock & Skeleton Key



Average rating3.9


This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.



Tempest Raj was an illusionist whose star was on the rise—until a new illusion went awry during a performance. We don't get a lot of details, but it was bad—injuring people and property. Tempest herself might have died. Her career did.

Her career in tatters, she goes back home to lick her wounds and decide her next steps. Magic's all she's known—it's a family business and has been for generations, but her grandparents and father never wanted her to go into it in the first place, and are hoping that she won't return to it.

Instead, they're hoping she'll join the family business—Secret Staircase Construction. The company makes things like secret staircases, hidden rooms, and treehouses that you can double as residences. Tempest stops by their worksite one day when a large sack is found in the existing wall—inside that sack is a body. Not just anybody, but Tempest's stage double.

The questions that leap to mind are: Who killed her? How did the body get in the wall (it's a move worthy of her father's or Tempest's skills)? Why hide it there? Was it a case of mistaken identity—was that supposed to be Tempest? The police land on a quick answer, but Tempest doesn't buy it.

So Tempest looks into things on her own, while she tries to come to terms with her life, rebuild some friendships she abandoned when she left home, and deal with some other personal stuff that we don't have time to get into.


A few years ago, didn't ABC have a series where a stage magician acted as a police/FBI consultant? Sort of a Mentalist/Castle/Instinct thing. I'm pretty sure I watched an episode of it and resented the time lost.

That said, reading this makes me think they were onto something with the Magician-turned-Detective. The way that Tempest thought about some of the aspects of this work because of her background/career is perfect for this kind of thing. She's better equipped to tackle investigative work than a lot of amateur sleuths.


So, Tempest's grandfather is spending most of his retirement cooking (or at least that seems to be pretty much what he does). He moved from India to Scotland as a teen and only moved to California a few years before the novel. His food seems to be a combination of traditional Indian flavors and Scottish dishes.

Really, all I know about Scottish cuisine comes from So I Married an Axe Murderer, and I have a beginner's appreciation for Indian food, but, boy howdy the food in Under Lock & Skeleton Key sounds great. The descriptions of all the food Grandpa Ash puts together just kept making me hungry. Thankfully, there are a couple of recipes at the end of the book that will help with the cravings the text induced (and more on the author's website).


The character work—not just with Tempest, but all the characters she comes into contact with--is the best part of the book, I want to spend more time with these people and to get to know them better (even the killer!). They're a great batch of personalities, backgrounds, and interests—a cast unlike any series I can think of.

The book as a whole is like a course in classic mysteries (think early 20th Century), especially in the vein of locked room/closed circle mysteries. And that's before one character actually starts lecturing Tempest in classic mystery structure (I loved that section of the book and would've willingly suspended the action for a little longer for that section to be 2-3x as long as it was).

I'm not entirely certain that the mystery was as good as the writing and characterization would lead the reader to expect, and the solution was a little bit of a letdown. The reveal of that solution, on the other hand, was exactly what I wanted. Everything else about the novel more than makes up for the slight disappointment I experienced.

I see this is the first of a series, but it feels like a stand-alone to me. Also—how often can you find a body on the premises of a remodel? How many times can an author get away with these characters coming across a murder that's magic-adjacent? I really don't think I care. I'll buy whatever weak excuse Pandian can come up with for at least another one or two of these.

I'd recommend this for die-hard mystery readers or even those who only occasionally pick one up--the premise and characters for this novel/series are fresh, intriguing, and entertaining.

Originally posted at irresponsiblereader.com.

April 12, 2022Report this review