Cover 5

Untouchable Zane

Untouchable Zane

2020 • 257 pages


Average rating4


“Touch me. “ Zane said. “I'm not untouchable. Not to you, Desiree.” Squeeeeel. Untouchable Zane is about a hot famous actor in California named Zane. He has been dreaming about the same girl since he was 15. Nice dreams about waking up next to her and spending time together but it's always been a dream, right? Not till one day at the gym he see's her... Desiree. He must talk to her and make her his because he is the girl of his dreams.

Desiree is in the process to moving to California after her life went down the drain. She is a 43 year old woman that is basically restarting her life after her boyfriend died. She's going back to school, trying to start her own business and just wanting to have a normal life. She isn't ready for love. She's been burned too many times. All her boyfriends have been either losers or alcoholics. When she meets Zane, a 26 year old actor, she didn't think much of it but she was attracted to him. She felt this pull to him but she can't be with someone else. Especially someone with his lifestyle.

Overall, I did like Desiree but she was a bit annoying at times with her inner monologue. I know she's been hurt and burned by guys. The big age gap defiantly probably made her feel like a cougar. It was just a bit much. Low self confidence and whining about how she was attracted to Zane but could never trust him or be with him.

Let's talk about Zane. Love the guy to death. He was always there to talk to Desiree, make her or take her out to dinner, offered rides, and wanted to mark things off her bucket list together. I was rooting for Zane. I wanted him to get the girl. Near the end, I was sad to see how much he deteriorated when not having Desiree around. He felt strong but I guess it was a facade.

Overall, this was a cute story. I find it hard to find a love story where you actually see the characters get to know each other. I guess this is why this is a slow burn, duh. The writing was well done. Well written loved characters and descriptive scenes with lots of vividness. The spice level was very minimal (if you're interested). Not a fade to black but very minimal description for the act. I recommend this if you're looking for a book focused around mental health, substance abuse recovery, self growth and a slow burn romance.

Thank you Debbie Cromack for gifting me this book in exchange for my honest review!

January 23, 2022Report this review