Walk It Off: The True and Hilarious Story of How I Learned to Stand, Walk, Pee, Run, and Have Sex Again After a Nightmarish Diagnosis Turned My Awesome Life Upside Down

Walk It Off

The True and Hilarious Story of How I Learned to Stand, Walk, Pee, Run, and Have Sex Again After a Nightmarish Diagnosis Turned My Awesome Life Upside Down


Average rating3


Bittersweet story about actress Ruth Marshall and her struggles and triumphs after being diagnosed with a tumour and having to deal with the consequences of that.

There are so many things we take for granted in our day to day life; using the bathroom, standing, walking, knowing where our limbs are and having control over them. When something happens to put that all at risk, we are left floundering. Ruth Marshall tells a compelling story as she deals with all of that and more.

October 20, 2023Report this review