Watching Mine
2018 • 200 pages


Average rating4


COVER REVEAL – COMING JANUARY 15TH (I'll update with my cover comments then).

I have to say I have been enjoying this series (I would call it a series but they don't seem to be grouped that way on here?) a whole heck of a lot. There is just something about these characters for all their gloriously kinky ways I find so endearing and likable. They are like one big pseudo-incestuous family. lol


So on to the details. I found this one to be well written. This author has such a readable way to her writing. It is a pleasure to dive into one of her books for sure. The pace was perfect. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. It's a relatively quick read. There wasn't any angst or OW/OM drama. The sex scenes were SMOKIN' HOT and plentiful. We have voyeurism, exhibitionism, a threesome, and loads of one-on-one sex. This author knows her way around a sex scene. There were quite a few secondary characters in this one. Couples (and singles) from the previous books make appearances along with a few extras. 


Both the main characters were very likable. Nathan was sexy and sweet. Kinky. Didn't appear to be a manwhore (but wasn't a saint either). In fact, we get little mention of what he had been up to for the past two years he had been watching Emberleigh, but since we know he took part in a threesome in an earlier book and I assume that was less than two years ago, I doubt he was twiddling his thumbs lol Emberleigh was a great heroine. I actually have little to say about her. She was perfect for Nathan. She was sweet and had a big heart. Her past made me want to hug her (and beat her parents with a bat...more about that in the side note). Last, it was all wrapped up in a good (not great) ending. I wanted a bit more. A longer look into the future for this couple.

SIDE NOTE: SOOOO...OMG did I want to smack the shit out of Emberleigh's parents. For most of the book, they seemed nice. Kind. Supportive, but when you find out what happened in her past, well I could not BELIEVE what they did. I'll put it in spoiler tags so enter at your own risk! If my fourteen-year-old daughter was gang raped (and videotaped) by FIVE guys for an entire weekend will high on meth and got pregnant and wanted an abortion you can bet your A$$ I would drive her straight to get one. What I would not do is tell her she CANNOT have one. Refuse to sign the papers thus forcing her to go look for an illegal one! What in the ever loving F-CK were her parents thinking??!! I don't care that Emberleigh is glad they stopped her. That she agrees she would have regretted it for the rest of her life. That is f-cked up parenting that is! OK mini rant 

January 11, 2018Report this review