Cover 5

Water Under the Bridge

2016 • 256 pages


Average rating4


Did I enjoy this book? Did it confuse me? Yes, to both of those questions now my big dilemma what do I say without giving away too much. 4 stars for Jude and Kate the killer couple. Jude a hitman, Kate a serial killer, so I guess it is only fitting that they are married. A very awesome book cover, great font & writing style. A fairly well written psychological thriller book. It was not always very easy for me to read or follow but there was never a dull moment. Each chapter is told either from Kate or Jude's point of view which makes it interesting to see how they are both seeing their situation at any given point. The story as a whole is about how they met, how they fell in love and who they killed in between. I will say that I did find Jude's chapters a bit more engaging in the beginning and then toward the middle of the book it was the opposite and that was an interesting turn of events for me.

They say you aren't supposed to love killers but both Kate and Jude are likable characters and I found myself in part routing for them and in part waiting for one to kill the other which was amusing to say the least. I also think this book would be what Dexter the tv show would have been if Dexter had married Hannah and I am here for it. The only reason this did not get a 5 star for me is because I was disappointed that Kate lost her baby even though the guy who hurt her died in the end. I will also say that this book is the second book I have read by Britney King if you are looking for something else The Book Doctor was also an amazing read.

February 18, 2021Report this review