Thank you so much to the author for providing me with a copy of this via Digital Reads Blog Tour in exchange for my honest review.
I was skeptical going into this because of what I had heard from a couple people but I ended up freaking loving this book.
It was a fast paced read that had me hooked from the very beginning. It's funny, cute, adorable, sexy, heartbreaking and so many other emotions rolled into one.
I had a few niggles but they all boil down to this book was way to short. I wanted more. Like I mentioned this is a very fast paced read and what Jessica gave us was amazing but I was so into it that I wish some aspects of it would have been elaborated on some more.
There were a couple twists one of which surprised me and the other one I guessed but that still didn't take away from my enjoyment.
Normally with short books I don't get as hooked and drawn into the story as I would a full length novel but that's not the case here. Guys I was hooked!! I found myself laughing throughout and giddy at all the adorable sexiness and my heart was racing at other times. I know this probably won't be for everyone but I loved it.