Average rating4.1
This was a really insightful read, specifically written for White people, and I can't recommend it enough. This is really only a “beginner's level” book on racism, but, quite frankly, I think that's exactly where we all need to start. You won't get anywhere if you don't know the groundwork, anyway, and White Fragility puts a lot of things on the table simply as it is, and forces you to reconsider a lot of the maybe normal parts of life that you've missed out on realizing were really quite harmful towards people of color. It's things we say without thinking, or subconscious reactions we make, and the only way to improve ourselves is to realize where the problems lie and do our best to change them so it doesn't happen again. This book is a great starter for that in the realm of racism and it would do every White person on earth wonders to actually read it.
Can definitely recommend.