Cover 1


X-Men: The Wedding Special (2018) #1


Average rating2


2.5 stars for sure. But I didn't feel right giving it 3 stars. Another #1 I read where I do not care to read more about it.

Fun fact: This takes place after the whole Rogue & Gambit comic series that I tried to read earlier today. Also, they got back together even though Gambit was problematic. But toxic relationships are apparently normal in this universe. More on that later.

3 short stories that intertwine all in one comic. We see Kitty Pride having issues with the dead men in her life, Peter at his bachelor party, and Kitty at hers. None of the characters seemed interesting. Kitty Pride in this piece didn't seem as selfish as she was in Rouge & Gambit. I don't care for these romances and I won't be continuing to see if they make it to the alter.

Also, not sure if this was meant as a joke but Peter seemed to have a lot of double standards in this relationship. Why was he allowed to have a bachelor party in Vegas but didn't have any faith in Kitty when she was going to her karaoke bachelorette party? Like I said, toxic.

October 8, 2018Report this review