Dark Matter

Dark Matter



Average rating4


So...this is someone's book. Obviously. But it's not mine. I had not-so-high hopes going in, because I'm not usually one for super hyped anyway, but it seemed perfect for an airplane and the bookstore clerk said he reads a lot of scifi and this kept him guessing and was like nothing he's ever read. Let me count my issues:1. It's derivative. So, so, so derivative. If you've ever read a speculative fiction book based on quantum mechanics, you have read this book. I anticipated every twist. His abductor? himself from a different multiverse OF COURSE!, the surprise ending? there are more than two of him from the many multiverses. 2. It does quantum mechanics shallowly and I care. I read this interweaved with [b:The End of Mr. Y 93436 The End of Mr. Y Scarlett Thomas https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1389137862s/93436.jpg 1535663], which does such a more nuanced job. 3. I can't turn off my feminism (sometimes I wish I could.) And the female characters had no agency. And/or were MacGuffins. And also, I read this mid-[a:Alison Bechdel 21982 Alison Bechdel https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1245100306p2/21982.jpg] marathon, and wow does it fail the Bechdel test.4. The family v. success dichotomy is overwrought, unfair and honestly a problematic cultural narrative.What is the second star even for? It was readable enough that I didn't ragequit and I wasn't really hate-reading it. The story was kind of vaguely entertaining.

January 3, 2018Report this review