Night: A Memoir

Night: A Memoir

2017 • 176 pages


Average rating4.3


Elie Wiesel gives us his story with the telling of life within concentration camps. As the war nears closer, and all Jews are rounded up, first into Ghettos and then transported out of the city, the haunting images that this book brings up are sure to bring you to tears.

As we move through the war years, and the daily struggle to stay alive, this story shows the stark reality, as well as the emotions that one felt as they were herded through. The struggle to keep clothing items, food, the daily basic functions that one takes for granted are all laid out here with the haunting and chilling reminder that life is but fleeting, and the cruelty that can be inflicted from another human being.

When you go to read this book, make sure you have tissues. I found myself in tears more than once while reading this. Should become mandatory reading for everyone.

August 17, 2016Report this review