The Nightingale

The Nightingale

2015 • 593 pages


Average rating4.2


A novel that sets itself in a very stereotyped occupied France... It's an american fantasy of France. I couldn't believe in any of the characters, seems like the author's tried to make them deep and driven by strong emotions, but I felt it rang shallow, too forced and clumsy. The storylines are all too similar to many other tales of WW2, and could have been successful, if written with more personality and a unique angle.
Plus... some parts don't even make sense : anachronisms, sudden impossible change of sceneries, inconsistencies... :(

One line saves the start of the book though :
“I reach for the hanging handle that controls the attic steps. The stairs unfold from the ceiling like a gentleman extending his hand.”
Brilliant image. :)

April 23, 2020Report this review