We Were Liars
2014 • 219 pages • 6h 28m


Average rating3.5


I've got mixed feelings about this book mainly due to the love-hate relationship i've got with it. We were liars is a fast paced book and great for a quick read. Like everyone else, i was waiting for the plot twist to blow me away and Lockhart didn't disappoint. However, there are a great number of unusual occurrences that are just plain weird and they just don't make sense. I absolutely hated the main character, she's got absolutely no personality and none of the other ‘liars' do either. Personally, I believe the book lacked character development for our main characters and the writing style was just daunting asl. The themes of the book didn't have any great impact on me and neither did the plot twist as i didn't establish an attachment to any of the liars. On the other hand, i'm obsessed with the little fantasy stories that were incorporated, an absolute masterpiece. The aunts have such an intricate persona; The book truly gives me an insight to how rich people live and their miseries. Overall, I'd recommend it to anyone who'd like to enjoy the book for an evening reading session.

January 1, 2021Report this review